Sunday, May 9, 2021

Binary Tree using pointer in C

 Here we will see example on binary tree using pointer in C programming language. The same concept can be used in other language to write program for binary tree.

Binary Tree using pointer in C

What is Binary Tree?

Binary tree is an important class of tree in data structure. A node in binary tree can have at most two children, which are called sub-trees. Children of a node in binary tree are ordered. One child is called left child and another child is called right child.

A binary tree can be defined as

  • an empty tree is a binary tree
  • a binary tree consists of a node is called root, a left and right sub-tree both of which are binary trees once again.

Binary Tree Traversal
Traversing is a process of visiting every node in the tree exactly once. Therefore, a complete traversal of a binary tree implies visiting the nodes of a tree in some linear sequence. These traversals are known as Inorder, Preorder and Postorder tree traversal.

If a tree T is traversed in Inorder fashion then left sub-tree of T is traversed first, then the root node of T is visited and then finally right sub-tree of T is traversed.

If a tree T is traversed in Preorder fashion then the root node of T is visited first, then the left sub-tree of T is traversed and finally right sub-tree of T is traversed.

If a tree T is traversed in Postorder fashion then the left sub-tree of T is traversed, then right sub-tree of T is traversed and finally the root node of T is visited.

Example with Source Code
The complete source code is given below:

 * File:   BTree.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct bNode {
    int data;
    struct bNode *left;
    struct bNode *right;
} bNode;

void insert(bNode **tree, int data) {
    bNode *temp, *previous, *current;

    if (*tree == NULL) {
        temp = (bNode *) malloc(sizeof (bNode));
        temp->data = data;
        temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
        *tree = temp;

    if (data < (*tree)->data) {
        insert(&(*tree)->left, data);
    } else if (data > (*tree)->data) {
        insert(&(*tree)->right, data);

void delete(bNode *root) {
    if (root != NULL) {

bNode* search(bNode **tree, int data) {
    if (*tree == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    if (data < (*tree)->data) {
        search(&((*tree)->left), data);
    } else if (data > (*tree)->data) {
        search(&((*tree)->right), data);
    } else if (data == (*tree)->data) {
        return *tree;

void preorder(bNode *root) {
    if (root != NULL) {
        printf("%d\n", root->data);

void inorder(bNode *root) {
    if (root != NULL) {
        printf("%d\n", root->data);

void postorder(bNode *root) {
    if (root != NULL) {
        printf("%d\n", root->data);

int main() {
    int choice, value;
    bNode *root = NULL;
    printf("\n:: Binary Tree using Linked List ::\n");
    while (1) {
        printf("\nChoose from below Menu\n");
        printf("1. Insert\n2. Delete Tree\n3. Search in Tree\n4. Display preorder\n5. Display inorder\n6. Display postorder\n7. Exit\n");
        printf("\nEnter your choice: ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);
        switch (choice) {
            case 1: printf("Enter the value to be inserted: ");
                scanf("%d", &value);
                insert(&root, value);
            case 2: delete(root);
            case 3: printf("Enter the value to be searched in the tree: ");
                scanf("%d", &value);
                bNode *node = search(&root, value);
                if (node != NULL) {
                    printf("\nSearched node found => %d\n", node->data);
                } else {
                    printf("\nData Not found in tree.\n");
            case 4: preorder(root);
            case 5: inorder(root);
            case 6: postorder(root);
            case 7: exit(0);
            default: printf("\nWrong selection!!! Please try again!!!\n");

Executing the above C file will display the following output:

:: Binary Tree using Linked List ::

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 9

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 4

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 15

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 6

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 12

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 17

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter the value to be inserted: 2

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 4

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 5

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 6

Choose from below Menu
1. Insert
2. Delete Tree
3. Search in Tree
4. Display preorder
5. Display inorder
6. Display postorder
7. Exit

Enter your choice: 7

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