A Regular expressions is a powerful tool in any language. In this tutorial we will be discussing how to use regular expression in JavaScript. Regular expression is the most important part in form validations and it is widely used for search, replace and web crawling systems. A regular expression is also known as RegEx.
or succinctly,
Regular expressions use to detect patterns in strings of text. Regular expressions provides a quick and easy way of matching a string to a pattern. Validation of mobile no, username, email id, website url are possible through Regular expressions.
Learn Regular Expressions by Examples :
Example :
Output :
Shows a alert message "match found"
Based on above example, we will validate regular expression with different string patterns.
Input should exactly match "abc" characters
Input should start with "abc" characters
1. abc
2. abcs
2. abcdef
Input should end with "abc" characters
1. abc
2. xyzabc
3. xabc
Input should start with "abc" and one character allowed
1. abcx
2. abcg
Input should start with "abc" and more than one character allowed
1. abcxx
2. abcxy
Input should exactly match with "abc.def" characters
Input should exactly match with "abc\def" characters
Input should allow any characters followed by "abc"
1. abcff
2. abcflsls
3. abcmd...
Based on above regular expression, we have provided below two examples :
Based on above regular expression, we have provided below example to validate mobile number :
This is all about the Regular Expression validation, if you have any queries please do comments in comment box.
or succinctly,
Regular expressions use to detect patterns in strings of text. Regular expressions provides a quick and easy way of matching a string to a pattern. Validation of mobile no, username, email id, website url are possible through Regular expressions.
Learn Regular Expressions by Examples :
Symbol | Description |
^ | Start of string |
$ | End of string |
. | Any single character |
+ | One or more character |
\ | Escape Special characters |
? | Zero or more characters |
Example :
<script> var A = /^abc.+$/; if ( A.test("abcsss") == true ){ alert("match found"); } else{ alert("match not found"); } </script>
Output :
Shows a alert message "match found"
Based on above example, we will validate regular expression with different string patterns.
Input should exactly match "abc" characters
var A = /^abc$/;
Input should start with "abc" characters
var B = /^abc/;Example :
1. abc
2. abcs
2. abcdef
Input should end with "abc" characters
var C = /abc$/;Example :
1. abc
2. xyzabc
3. xabc
Input should start with "abc" and one character allowed
var D = /^abc.$/;Example :
1. abcx
2. abcg
Input should start with "abc" and more than one character allowed
var E = /^abc.+$/;Example :
1. abcxx
2. abcxy
Input should exactly match with "abc.def" characters
var F = /^abc\.def$/;
Input should exactly match with "abc\def" characters
F = /^abc\\def$/;
Input should allow any characters followed by "abc"
var G = /^abc.+?$/Example :
1. abcff
2. abcflsls
3. abcmd...
Expression | Description |
[abc] | Should match any single of character |
[^abc] | Should not match any single character |
[0-9] | should matche any decimal digit from 0 through 9 |
[a-z] | should matche any character from lowercase a through lowercase z. |
[A-Z] | should matche any character from uppercase A through uppercase Z. |
[a-Z] | should matche any character from lowercase a through uppercase Z. |
[a-zA-Z0-9] | Characters range lowercase a-z, uppercase A-Z and numbers. |
[a-z-._] | Match against character range lowercase a-z and ._ refers special character |
(.*?) | Capture everything enclosed with brackets |
(com|info) | Input should be "com" or "info" |
{2} | Exactly two characters |
{2,3} | Minimum 2 characters and Maximum 3 characters |
{2,} | More than 2 characters |
Based on above regular expression, we have provided below two examples :
Validating website URL using Regular Expression.
var URL = /^(http|https)?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,4}/ ; URL.test(“http://skptricks.com”); //return true URL.test(“http://www.skptricks.com”); //return true URL.test(“http://skptricks.com/index.html”); //return true URL.test(“http://skptricks.com/home.html”); //return true URL.test(“https://skptricks.com/”); //return true
Validating Mobile Number using Regular Expression.
var Mobile = /^[0-9]{10}$/; Mobile.test("9920872767"); //return true Mobile.test("9920867"); //return false Mobile.test("99208767"); //return false Mobile.test("990872767"); //return false
Expression | Description |
\d | Any numbers, in another word it is same as [0-9] |
\D | Any non-digits, in another word it is same as [^0-9] |
\w | Characters,numbers and underscore, in another word it is same as[a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\W | Except any characters, numbers and underscore, in another word it is same as[^a-zA-Z0-9_] |
\s | a whitespace character (space, tab, newline) |
\S | non-whitespace character |
Based on above regular expression, we have provided below example to validate mobile number :
Validating mobile number using regular expression.
var Mobile = /^\d{10}$/; Mobile.test("9920872767"); //return true Mobile.test("9920867"); //return false Mobile.test("99208767"); //return false Mobile.test("990872767"); //return false
This is all about the Regular Expression validation, if you have any queries please do comments in comment box.
Great thanks, the only thing I wonder is why the pattern needs / at the beginning and at the end.